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Public Conferences and Academic Seminars

Speech at Reggio Emilia


Bryan Mc Cormack | YTT Human-Rights and Gender-Equality Education Programs

Art That Gives A Voice To The Refugees

by Bryan Mc Cormack

YTT Conference and Seminar Listing


  • Gender-Equality in Marginality: An Intersectional Approach in Uganda, as part of the National Congress of the SIPED Group at the University of Florence, Italy.


  • YTT - Reducing Gender Stereotypes in Primary Schools. A Multifaceted Educational Program. The 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Bilingual & Trauma Informed Integrated Care: Carving Out Space for Human Connection: Designing Mental Health Programs and Clinical Care for Individuals Impacted by Forced Migration, Frisco Landing, University of North Texas, USA.


  • YTT: Yesterday Today Tomorrow for Social Education, Department of Humanities, Tuscia University, Italy.

  • Children as Peacemakers in Divided Societies: Educational Approaches, with the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE) & the War Child Museum, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

  • Children in  War (2),  Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow  Performance  Method,  with  the Anne  Frank  Museum,  Netherlands  &  the  War  Child  Museum,  Bosnia & Herzegovina. 

  • Children in  War,  Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow  Performance  Method,  with  the Anne  Frank  Museum,  Netherlands  &  the  War  Child  Museum,  Bosnia & Herzegovina. 

  • Origin of Ethnic Stereotypes and Prejudices and Reduction Strategies, the YTT Method, Department of Education, Roma Tre University, Italy.


  • Human Rights: YTT’s All Inclusive Educational Approach Based on Art, Department Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, Roma Tre University, Italy.

  • The YTT Learning Approach, A Master Developmental Psychology in Action, Department of Psychology, Middlesex University, UK.

  • YTT Peace-Building through Performance. The War Childhood Museum, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.


  • Humanitarian Panel: Supporting Refugee Populations, Webinar for the Development Employability Week at the University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, UK

  • Understanding difference in the world : Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, an Inclusive Learning Approach. Roma Tre University, along with MUSED and Sapienza University, Rome Italy.

  • YTT Performance Techniques workshop, the University of the West of Scotland, Scotland, U.K.

  • Human-Rights in the Mediterranean : the YTT Learning Approach, as part of European Narrations post-graduate course, Roma Tre University, Ventotene island, Italy.

  • Trans-Med Fall School: YTT for new narrations about diversity, Master Expert in historical communication, multimedia & digital languages, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.


  • Research Institutes Online Dialogue Sessions on Human-Rights, The Culture and Creativity Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

  • YTT Performance Techniques, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

  • Trans-Med Fall School: YTT for new narrations about diversity, Master Expert in historical communication, multimedia & digital languages, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.

  • YTT to Promote Inclusion & Reduce Prejudice, International Workshop for pre-service teachers, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.

  • YTT Education to foster intercultural dialogue and peaceful co-existence, International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) Global Interactive E-Workshop.

  • Learning Through Play During COVID-19, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE Network) Global Webinar.

  • YTT & Inclusive Memory, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.

  • YTT Education for Human Rights and Gender Equality, Reggio Foundation for Children, Reggio Emilia, Italy.


  • 19th Seminar on Human Rights Education, ASEM, Tromsø, Norway.

  • Societies for Society - The effects of a learning program for primary school pupils on refugee/migrant prejudice, The International Congress, organised by the Italian Scientific Association SIRD, SIREM, SIPES, SIEMeS, Rome, Italy.

  • YTT and the effects of a learning program for primary school pupils on refugee/migrant prejudice, XXXII Italian National Annual Congress on Developmental and Educational Psychology, Naples, Italy.

  • The YTT approach on migration/human-rights/Connecting through Educational Technology to produce effective learning environments, the 29th EDEN Annual International Conference, Bruges, Belgium.

  • The YTT Approach to Migration Management in the Balkans, the International University of Sarajevo and the Balkan Studies Centre, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

  • YTT Human-Rights/Gender-Equality Training with the Madhya Pradesh Police Department, (dept of Law & Criminology), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, U.K.

  • YTT Human-Rights Educational Research/30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.

  • Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow/Human Rights Futures, The Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice, Sheffield, U.K.


  • YTT: The Refugee Voice, KNIHCENTRUM, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

  • Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow: Traceability is Credibility, Foundation Engie, Paris, France.

  • The YTT Learning Approach, Design for Social Impact, Paris, France.

  • The YTT Learning Approach, Sheffield Institute of Arts, Sheffield, U.K.

  • The YTT Learning Approach, IFM - The French Institute of Fashion, Paris, France.

  • YTT: The Refugee Voice, Forum Meltingpot, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

  • YTT: The Refugee Voice, Forum, Bucharest, Romania.


  • YTT: The Refugee Voice, TEDx Talks, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • YTT Performance Techniques, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

  • The YTT Learning Approach, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.

  • YTT: Traceability is Credibility/Venice Art Night, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, Italy.

  • The YTT Learning Approach, The Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, U.K.


  • YTT Performance Techniques, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

  • YTT: The Refugee Voice, Villa Médicis, Rome, Italy.

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