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2017 - Today

2017 - Today: YTT DEI (Diversity, Equity & inclusion) Education Program.
1000 schoolchildren participated in our workshops.
21 Primary Schools (39 different classes): 1. Filippo Smaldone. 2. I.C di Fiuggi. 3. I.C Karol Wojtila. 4. I.C Simonetta Salacone. 5. I.C. Aldo Manuzio. 6. I.C. Artemisia Gentileschi. 7. I.C. Guido Pitocco. 8. I.C. Via Salvatore Pincherle 140. 9. I.C. Martin Luther King. 10. I.C. Piazza Winckelmann. 11. I.C. Regina Elena. 12. I.C. Subiaco. 13. I.C. Via delle Azzorre. 14. I.C.V. Orsolini Cencelli. 15. IC Nando Martellini. 16. IC Stefanelli. 17. Istituto Comprensivo 2° Anagni. 18. Istituto Comprensivo Frosinone 3. 19. Istituto Comprensivo Velletri Nord. 20. Istituto San Giovanni Bosco delle FMA. 21. Scuola Primaria Enzo Mattei.

Our DEI Education Program, in collaboration with Roma Tre University has been developed for primary-level schoolchildren. This program plays a pivotal role in fostering an environment characterised by acceptance and encouragement for children hailing from diverse backgrounds and possessing varying abilities. Through active participation in this program, attendees witness a significant improvement in their understanding of inclusivity, thereby equipping them with essential skills to address the complex challenges involved in promoting a more inclusive community. The program effectively cultivates a profound sense of belonging and collaboration among the participants, allowing them to build meaningful connections and develop essential teamwork skills. Furthermore, the program not only enriches their social interactions but also empowers them to become advocates for inclusiveness in their own circles, thereby extending the positive impact of the initiative beyond the immediate setting.

Schoolchildren from the different schools participating in our program.

2017 - Today: YTT DEI Training Program For Teachers.
Impact: 700 teachers participated in our workshops. 2
Universities: 1. Roma Tre University. 2. Sapienza University.

Our DEI Training Program For Teachers, in collaboration with Roma Tre University has been developed for teachers and student-teachers. This program plays an essential role in fostering a learning-environment of acceptance and encouragement for teachers of all ages and experience. Through active participation in this program, teachers witness a significant improvement in their understanding of inclusivity, thereby equipping them with essential skills, to teach in their own classes with their own students, the complex challenges involved in promoting a more inclusive classroom. The program effectively cultivates a profound sense of belonging and collaboration among the teachers, allowing them to build meaningful connections and develop essential teaching skills and techniques.

YTT instructors and participants during teacher-training workshops.

2023 - 2024: YTT Art-Therapy Mental Healthcare Program Impact:
16 women and men participated in our workshops.

1 Refugee Centre: 1. CPIA 3 (Centro Provinciale per l’Istruzione degli Adulti 3), Rome.

Our Art-Therapy Mental Health Support program utilised artistic therapeutic methods to assist participants, from nine different nationalities, in coping with anxiety and depression, while enhancing emotional resilience and general well-being. Targeting refugees and asylum seekers who encountered distinct challenges and traumas, the program enabled these individuals to creatively express themselves, facilitating the processing of their experiences and emotions. In line with the YTT Learning Approach, the program employed evidence-based strategies and tailored interventions to cater to the unique requirements of each participant. This comprehensive approach also fostered a deeper sense of community and connection among the participants.

Attendees of CPIA 3 participating in our program

2017 - 2018: YTT Art-Therapy Mental Healthcare Program Impact:
15 children, along with 60 women and men participated in our workshops.

2 Refugee Sites: 1. ExMoi Refugee Squat, Turin. 2. CAS Fiuggi Refugee Centre, Fiuggi.

Our Art-Therapy Mental Healthcare Support program, employed art therapy techniques to help participants, mainly from North and Sub-Saharan Africa, manage anxiety and depression, fostering emotional resilience and overall well-being. Focusing on refugees and asylum seekers who faced unique challenges and traumas, the program empowered these individuals to express themselves creatively, allowing them to process their experiences and emotions effectively. Aligned with the YTT Learning Approach, the program utilised evidence-based practices and adapted the interventions to meet the specific needs of each participant. This holistic approach, also promoted a greater sense of community and connection amongst the participants

Children from ExMoi refugee squat participating in our program.


Youth from CAS Fiuggi refugee centre participating in our program.

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